Friday, April 8, 2011

Movie Review

So many movies that I want to review.... but I guess I will just do the most recent one that I have seen. It is the movie The Town directed by Ben Affleck. This movie has just about everything..... intense action, good acting, a nice story, and a good lesson is taught.

The movie starts off with a group of experienced bank robbers going for a heist. Ben Affleck's character holds the bank manager hostage but he ends up forming a connection to her. Throughout the movie, Ben Affleck's relationship with the bank manager ends up ruining their bank robbery group. My short plot sounds a little lame, but you will understand what a good movie it is when you go and see it.

The movie is packed with some intense gunfights and probably one of the best car chases in movie history. Some very good acting is displayed by Ben Affleck and Jeremy Renner. One of my favorite lessons that the story tries to teach is that you can't just change yourself without paying for the mistakes you have made in the past. Spoiler alert: Towards the end, when Ben Afflect decides that he wants to get out of the bank robbing business, he finds himself in quite a bit of trouble.

The lesson I learn in the movie can be directly applied to myself. I expect to get good grades and be good at stuff like music and sports, but I haven't paid for being lazy in the past. Anyways, this was a really good movie and I think anyone should watch it when they have the chance to do so.

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